Compositional Reservoir Flow Simulation for Organic-Rich Gas Shale


Olorode O. M.1,Akkutlu I. Y.1,Efendiev Y..1


1. Texas A&M University


Abstract A new-generation compositional reservoir flow simulation model is presented for organic-rich shale gas formations including convective-diffusive mass balance equations for hydrocarbon components in organic (kerogen), inorganic and fracture continua. The model presented accounts for the presence of dispersed kerogen with sorbed-gas corrected dynamic porosity. Maxwell-Stefan theory is used to predict pressureand composition-dependence of molecular diffusion in the formation. The equations are discretized and solved numerically using control volume finite element method. The simulation is based on a new multi-scale conceptual flow model. We consider that kerogen is dispersed at a fine scale in the inorganic matrix and that it will be the discontinuous component of total porosity at the reservoir simulation scale, which could be up to six orders of magnitude larger. A simple mass balance equation is introduced to enable kerogen to transfer gas to the inorganic matrix that is collocated in the same grid-block. The convective-diffusive transport takes place between neighboring grid blocks only in the inorganic matrix. The simulation results show that the multi-scale nature of the rock is important and should not be ignored because this could result in an overestimation of the contribution of the discontinuous kerogen. We also observe that although adsorbed fluid could contribute significantly to storage in the shale formation, its contribution to production could be severely limited by the lack of kerogen continuity at the reservoir scale and by a low degree of coupling between the organic and inorganic pores. The contribution of Maxwell-Stefan diffusion to the overall transport in the shale formation increases as the inorganic matrix permeability is reduced due to pressure decline during production.



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