Efficacy of biological formulations against Neoglocianus maculaalba and Dasineura papaveris in Papaver somniferum


Kolařík Pavel,Rotrekl Jiří,Kolaříková Karla


The effectiveness of selected insecticides against capsule weevils (Neoglocianus maculaalba) and capsule midges (Dasineura papaveris), which are the main pests of breadseed poppy, was verified in a small-plot field experiment in 2015–2017. The effect of foliar application was evaluated according to boreholes on capsule surfaces caused by the feeding of capsule weevil adults and larvae numbers in capsules collected approximately 4 weeks after application. Biological efficacy of the tested biological formulations Spintor (active ingredient spinosad 240 g/l) in dosage 0.4 l/ha and NeemAzal T/S (active ingredient azadirachtin A 10.6 g/l) in dosage 3 l/ha against N. maculaalba larvae in individual years of monitoring ranged from 46.4% to 77.7% and from 67.7% to 82.9%, respectively. The effect of the formulation Prev B2 (boron ethanolamine corresponding to 2.1% of water-soluble boron) in 0.3% dosage was in the range of 59.5–81.9%. Their efficacy did not differ significantly compared to the registered chemical standards Biscaya 240 OD (active ingredient thiacloprid 240 g/l) and Decis Mega (active ingredient deltamethrin 50 g/l). Therefore, these biological insecticides are potentially useful for the effective control of N. maculaalba and D. papaveris population densities and reduction of damage they cause to breadseed poppy.


Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences


Soil Science,Agronomy and Crop Science








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