1. Nonparametric estimation of returns to investment in Honduras shrimp research
2. Master's Thesis;Dunning R. D.,1989
3. Green, B. W., Teichert-Coddington, D. R., Boyd, C. E., Wigglesworth, J., Corrales, H., Martínez, D. and Ramírez, E. Efecto del Recambio de Agua en la Producción Semi-Intensiva de Penaeus vannamei. Fifth Central American Symposium on Aquaculture. Edited by: Green, B. W., Clifford, H. C., McNamara, M. and Montaño, G. M. pp.209–212. Choluteca, Honduras: Asociación Nacional de Acuicultores de Honduras, Latin American Chapter of the World Aquaculture Society, and Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture Collaborative Research Support Program.
4. Hasson, K. W., Lightner, D. V., Mari, J., Bonami, J. R., Poulos, B. T., Mohney, L. L., Redman, R. M. and Brock, J. A. The geographic distribution of Taura Syndrome Virus in the Americas: Determination by histopathology and in situ hybridization using TSV-specific cDNA probes. Fourth Symposium on Aquaculture in Central America: Focusing on Shrimp and Tilapia. Edited by: Alston, D. E., Green, B. W. and Clifford, H. C. pp.154–156. Tegucigalpa, Honduras: Asociación Nacional de Acuicultores de Honduras and the Latin American Chapter of the World Aquaculture Society.