1. Marketing Library Resources and Services to Distance Faculty
2. Cook, J. and Cook, M. L. W. Faculty perspectives regarding educational supports in off-campus courses. Off-campus library services: Selected readings from Central Michigan University's Off-Campus Library Services Conference. 1991. Edited by: Lessin, B. pp.105–115. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press.
3. Distance learning: What faculty say about distance learning and library support. 1998. Retrieved March 8, 2005, from University of Minnesota Libraries Web site:http://www.lib.umn.edu/dist/testing/dlfocus.phtml
4. Faculty-Librarian Collaboration: Meeting the Information Technology Challenges of Distance Education
5. Fender, D. Student and faculty issues in distance education. Paper presented at the Mid South Instructional Technology Conference. April.