1. 163. BSI (British Standards Institution) (2002) BS 8500-2: Concrete complementary British standard to BS EN 206-1. Part 2: Specification for constituent materials and concrete. BSI, London.
2. 165. LNEC (National Laboratory of Civil Engineering) (2006) LNEC E 471. Guideline for the Use of Recycled Coarse Aggregates in Hydraulic Binders Concrete. National Laboratory of Civil Engineering. Portugal (in Portuguese).
3. TC 121-DRG Specifications for concrete with recycled aggregates.;Mater Struct,1994
4. 168. WBTC (2002) WBTC No. 12/2002: Specifications Facilitating the Use of Recycled Aggregates. Works Bureau Technical Circular, Hong-Kong.
5. Durability of recycled aggregate concrete designed with the Equivalent Mortar Volume (EMV) method: Validation under the Spanish context and its adaptation to Bolomey methodology