The objective of this study was to carry out an analysis of different bibliometric indicators of the journal Materiales de Construcción to verify the development of its scientific production between the years 2013 and 2020. The authors and their work institutions were analysed to check their productivity and degree of collaboration achieved, the levels of citation obtained in four impact indicators (Journal Impact Factor, 5-Year Impact Factor, Scimago Journal Rank and CiteScore) and the members of the editorial team of the journal to verify their permanence. The results show a high rate of collaboration between authors but somewhat scarce if considered by their work institutions, a significant increase in all the impact indicators consulted, and a reduction in the number of members of the editorial team. It is concluded that Materiales de Construcción journal has increased its internationality and considerably improved its impact between 2013 and 2020.
Mechanics of Materials,General Materials Science,Building and Construction
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