1. 1) Den Hartog EA, Heus R (2006) Safe radiation contours at incident related to heat stress for first responders [in Dutch].TNO-rapport TNO-D V3, C024 [Soesterberg, the Netherlands].
2. 2) NFPA 2112 (2012) Standard on Flame-Resistant Garments for Protection of Industrial Personnel Against Flash Fire.
3. 3) EN-ISO 11612 (2015) Protective clothing - Clothing to protect against heat and flame - Minimum performance requirements.
4. 4) PGS 29 (2008) Guideline for above ground storage of flammable liquids in vertical cylindrical tanks (in Dutch). http://content.publicatiereeksgevaarlijkestoffen.nl/documents/PGS29/PGS_29_2016_VS_1_0.pdf
5. 5) EN-ISO 9886 (2004) Ergonomics - Evaluation of thermal strain by physiological measurements.