The Supports Gıven By Agrıculture And Rural Development Support Instıtutıon (ARDSI ) And The Impact Of These Supports On Rural Development: Example Of The Provınce Muş






Rural development is effective for both the production of agricultural resources of the countries and on the supply and demand equilibrium and the distribution of the population within the rural-urban. In countries that make rural development, production and supply-demand are slightly balanced and the population balance between rural and urban is slightly achieved. On the other hand, in countries that cannot make rural development, there are both inadequacies in agricultural production, and the supply-demand equilibrium cannot be achieved. These countries try to maintain the balance with importing and this increases the import pressure on their economies. In countries that cannot make rural development, there is a continuous migration from rural to urban areas. While this situation creates population pressure in cities, it creates disruptions in production in rural areas and reduces the rate of benefiting from demographic investments. In order to make rural development, significant resources, big projects, long-term, and determined actions are required. With this purpose, different national and international institutions take on duties. Beyond doubt, the institution that carries out the most comprehensive and effective activities in rural development among the relevant institutions is the Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution. The institution carries out its activities by taking resources from both the European Union and national funds. Although the institution has expanded its support range in different sectors, it has a shortage of resources from time to time. The province of Muş is among the provinces where the rural potential is high and the Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution carries out activities. Nevertheless, the fact that the institution is new (by the establishment) and its resources are insufficient, insufficient expansion of the made investments, failure to meet European standards in project utilization and supervision and immigration due to the attractiveness in big cities with a deteriorating image of farming makes this situation even harder.


Van Yuzuncu Yil University

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