Pedagogical conditions for the use of electronic educational resources in the context of the modernization of linguistic education


Bartosh Dana1ORCID,Kharlamova Maria2ORCID,Pochinok Tatiana3ORCID,Stoyanova Elena4ORCID, ,


1. Moscow State Linguistic University, Russian Federation

2. Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, Russian Federation

3. Franсisk Skorina Gomel State University, the Republic of Belarus

4. Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen


The aim of this paper is to analyze the main parameters of electronic educational resources (EER) in foreign language education at university level, and to identify the pedagogical conditions for their optimal use with the final goal of motivation of students for learning activities and as a result the quality of education and optimizing language training. Using theoretical methods, data were obtained on the current trends in the use of electronic educational resources in the study of foreign languages; оn the basis of systematic observations of the students’ activity in the classroom and the evaluation of their productive activities, pedagogical conditions were identified and justified that contribute to the activity of students when working with EER, taking into account the purpose of these resources. The identified pedagogical conditions for the use of EER in the educational process, according to the intended purpose of these resources and taking into account the peculiarities of perception and the needs of modern students, contribute to a more rational integration of EER in teaching students foreign languages, the optimal use of these resources to motivate students to study and increase the productivity of the educational process. Some of the conclusions reached are that EERs have a significant potential for intensifying the educational process, provided that the identified pedagogical conditions for their use are met. These conditions relate to the objectives of a particular stage of learning, taking into account the cognitive characteristics of students, the possibility of choosing and determining the relevant information by them, the interactive nature of computer tasks. The increase of the open tasks in the educational process and multimedia resources are intended to orient the teacher in the choice of the necessary EER and the methodology for its application.


Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen

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