Automated balancing method of vector Illustration and its software implementation


Al’boschiy O.,Dorokhov O.,Hrabovskyi Y.,Naumenko M.


The article proposes to develop a method for determining the conformity of vector illustration to the laws of composition and design, which will help to engage in artistic work for people without special skills and abilities. The concept of the centre of the composition is analysed. The main criterion of equilibrium is determined - the distance between the optical and composite centre. As the first stage of the developed method, it is offered to define the area of an element and to bring an arbitrary figure to a polygon. An algorithm for determining the area of an object of arbitrary shape has been developed. The process of colour density determination is analysed, and its algorithm is developed. An algorithm for determining the equilibrium of the composition is proposed. A script has been created that implements the method of determining the compliance of vector illustration with the laws of composition and design. A script based on a specific one has been tested during a number of tests. According to the test results, the conclusions about the correct operation of the script were confirmed. A prototype of an automation system for creating vector illustrations in Adobe Illustrator has been created.


Universitatea Transilvania Brasov

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