HABERTAN: Game Petualangan 3D Dengan Tema Pemilahan Sampah Sebagai Upaya Pendekatan Inovatif Untuk Pengenalan Lingkungan


Revindasari Fony,Dewayanti Athallia,Syahrazad Emirel Ihsan


The increasing awareness of the importance of maintaining forest cleanliness as a primary ecosystem is becoming more urgent, especially in remote areas with limited deep socialization. This research aims to develop an innovative game titled "HABERTAN" focusing on waste sorting in forest areas to raise public awareness of the waste present in the forest. By utilizing a 3D model for visual assets with stages of 2D sketch, 3D modeling, UV Mapping, and Texture Baking. The development of this game is conducted using the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) method. The ADDIE method is used to ensure a systematic game development process, starting from needs analysis to performance evaluation. The goal of this game is to provide players with an interactive experience that not only entertains but also provides a deep understanding of the impact of waste on forest sustainability. The game "HABERTAN (Let's Clean the Forest)" is designed to provide players with a fun and educational learning experience. The results of the development of this game show that "HABERTAN" provides a unique experience for players, with the ability to learn while playing. It is hoped that this game can be an effective tool in raising public awareness of the importance of maintaining forest cleanliness, especially in the context of waste sorting. Through this innovative approach, it is hoped to encourage active participation from the community in preserving forests as extremely valuable natural resources.


Sekawan Institute








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