1. Garisto, D. (2019). Preprints make inroads outside of Physics. APS News, 28(9). http://www.aps.org/publications/apsnews/201909/preprints.cfm.
2. Feder, T. (2021). Joanne Cohn and the Email List that Led to ArXiv. Physics Today. https://doi.org/10.1063/ PT.6.4.20211108a.
3. ASAPbio maintains a list of mainly life science preprint servers https://asapbio.org/preprint-servers, and the Confederation of Open Access Repositories plans to launch a preprints directory https://www. coar-repositories.org/ news-updates/ccsd-and-coar-announce-plans-to-launchpreprint- directory/.
4. Xie, B., Shen Z., Wang, K. (2021). Is preprint the future of science? A Thirty Year Journey of Online Preprint Services. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2102.09066.pdf.
5. Mallapaty, S. (2020). Popular preprint servers face closure because of money troubles. Nature, 578(7795): 349-349. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-00363-3. PMid:32071446.