
Gutkevych SvitlanaORCID,Jureniene VirginijaORCID


The article considers the investment system that is determined by the investment activity of financial institutions. The banking system is a dynamic system, the basis of the economic infrastructure of the market. The bank's investment operations are a complex process because the bank can be both an object and an investor. The bank's investment choices are influenced by the following major factors: expected rate of return, tax characteristics, mortgage requirements, risks.The stability of the banking system depends on the general equilibrium conditions between accumulation and investment demand. The state of the banking system affects investment. The structure of the modern banking system in Ukraine is in line with Western counterparts, and the domestic legal framework in the banking sector is perfect enough to regulate banking processes and ensure the stability of the banking sector. In a broader context, international investment processes are influenced by: the state of development of the world economy, international factor and investment markets; stability of the world monetary system; development of international investment infrastructure and the like. In the context of globalization, international investment is influenced by the interacting processes of trans nationalization and regional economic integration. The effects of global economic factors, on the one hand, offset some of the differences between countries, and on the other, it creates a macro environment for large-scale activity of international entities and investment institutions.


Publishing House Baltija Publishing

Reference6 articles.

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