
Safonov YuriiORCID,Galtsova OlgaORCID,Bazhenkov IevgenORCID


The most popular international rankings on the development of higher education in Ukraine are presented, which show a mixed situation, namely that in some positions Ukraine is among the 50 countries with the strongest higher education systems in the world, but in the number of universities Ukrainian educational institutions are not leading. Analyzes the dynamics of the distribution of the number of students of higher educational institutions in Ukraine in accordance with the International Standard Classification of Education ISCED 2011. Also analyzed the dynamics of higher education institutions at the beginning of the 2019/20 academic year by subordination of institutions, the number of students in higher education institutions by source of funding. The main indicators of postgraduate and doctoral studies in Ukraine are given. The indicators of the number of foreign students in Ukraine are highlighted, the top 10 countries by origin of foreign students and the most popular universities among foreign students are provided. It is concluded that up to 50% of foreign students are trained in Ukraine in medical specialties, the training of foreign students in Ukrainian educational institutions is not only the image of the country, but also an important component of investment in the economy. Summarizing the current state and trends in the development of higher education in Ukraine, were identified current trends in the development of higher education and proposed a strategy for the development of higher education, which provides the maximum efficiency of all resources: organizational, institutional, instrumental, financial, scientific and methodological.


Publishing House Baltija Publishing

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