1. Libanova, E. (2022). In the worst case scenario, up to 5 million citizens will leave Ukraine. National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service Issues. Available at: https://nads.gov.ua/news/za-naihirshoho-stsenariiu-ukrainu-shche-polyshyt-do-5-mln-hromadian-ella-libanova-dyrektorka-instytutu-demohrafii-ta-sotsialnykh-doslidzhen-nanu
2. Transcarpathian Regional Military Administration official website. In Transcarpathia more than 233,000 IDPs received payments from international organizations. Available at: https://carpathia.gov.ua/news/na-zakarpatti-ponad-233-tysiachi-vpo-otrymaly-vyplaty-vid-mizhnarodnykh-orhanizatsii
3. Fransen, S., & de Haas, H. (2022). Trends and Patterns of Global Refugee Migration. Population and Development Review, vol. 48, pp. 97–128. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/padr.12456
4. The UNCR Refugee Agency. UNCR-Global Trends. Global Forced Displacement. Available at: https://www.unhcr.org/globaltrends.html
5. The UNCR Refugee agency (2022). UNHCR: Ukraine, other conflicts push forcibly displaced total over 100 million for first time. Available at: https://www.unhcr.org/news/press/2022/5/628a389e4/unhcr-ukraine-other-conflicts-push-forcibly-displaced-total-100-million.html