Among the branches of agriculture, animal husbandry itself is a source of important food products for humans: milk, meat, eggs, and for industry (food, light pharmaceutical, etc.) supplies various types of raw materials. The increase in live weight produced in animal husbandry in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine is formed in the meat product subcomplex, which unites producers of agricultural (livestock) products, trade organizations and meat processing enterprises in the process of raising livestock and poultry, processing and selling finished products. The subject of research is a set of theoretical and methodological foundations for the study of current trends in the development of meat products subcomplex. Methodology. The research is based on general scientific and special methods of cognition of economic phenomena and processes, fundamental principles of management theory and general scientific principles of economic science. The research will be conducted on the basis of the use of general scientific methods and techniques: system-structural analysis – in the analysis of the current state of the meat products subcomplex; method of causal analysis – to identify problems in the development of enterprises of the meat subcomplex and industry; logical generalization – for the formation of conclusions and proposals. The purpose of this study is to characterize current trends in the development of meat products subcomplex of Ukraine in the context of European integration processes. Practical meaning. The results obtained are to solve an important scientific problem for the development of the meat subcomplex on the basis of a comprehensive system of measures. Practical implications. The study of current trends in the development of the meat product subcomplex has shown that the main direction of development should be to ensure the highest efficiency of production activities in conditions of high market demand for these products. Pig breeding and poultry farming meet this criterion, which ensures high profitability and return on investment.
Publishing House “Baltija Publishing”
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1 articles.