
Pravdiuk NataliaORCID


In the article was analyzed the current state and outlines the trends in investment support for agriculture in Ukraine, highlights the problematic aspects of investment activity in the current economic realities, provides possible ways to minimize the impact of existing problems, and determines the prospects for further attraction and use of investment resources by business entities. It has been established that domestic agriculture is a promising area of investment and requires an increase in production potential, given the aggravation of food security and the growing demand of the population for food. In particular, the conducted analytical studies indicate a trend towards a constant increase in the volume of funds invested in the development of agriculture, and the growth rate of capital investment in the domestic agricultural sector exceeded similar indicators in the construction and industry sectors. It has been determined that the lion's share of the investment support for agriculture was formed at the expense of the own funds of enterprises and organizations, credit funds and external sources of financing, and the level of attraction of budgetary resources to finance investment processes remained insignificant, which may indicate insufficient state support for agricultural producers. small business projects. It has been established that the growth in the volume of capital investment and foreign direct investment in agriculture occurred against the background of a significant increase in its contribution to the formation of the gross domestic product of Ukraine with a relatively small change in the gross value added generated by the agricultural sector. It is substantiated that the strategic direction of the development of agriculture should be to increase the degree of processing of raw materials, the production of products with high added value for the maximum realization of the export potential of Ukraine. To overcome the most important problems of agriculture in the conditions of the war and the post-war period, a number of measures are given, the implementation of which is possible if significant investment resources are attracted to the agricultural sector and coordinated interactions between state authorities, local self-government, representatives of agribusiness and society.


Publishing House Baltija Publishing


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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