
Gerega OleksandrORCID


The relevance of the researching and ensuring financial and economic sustainability of trade is proved. The essential structural characteristics of financial and economic sustainability are generalized. The specifics of managing the financial and economic sustainability of trade business are indicated. The macroeconomic characteristics of financial and economic sustainability of trade in Ukraine as the volume of equity, balance currency, sales of goods of the trade enterprises, current assets, current liabilities and provision, own current assets of trade enterprises are analysed. The financial and economic sustainability of trade enterprises in Ukraine was assessed using the ratios of provision of current assets to own funds, provision of stocks with own funds, maneuverability of equity, mobility, permanent assets, financial stability and financial dependence. Purpose. The purpose of the research is to analyse the condition and development trends of macroeconomic characteristics of financial and economic sustainability of trade in Ukraine and justification proposals for public policy to stimulate its strengthening. Methodology. The following scientific methods were used during the research: analysis, synthesis and comparison – to research the prerequisites for ensuring the financial and economic sustainability of trade enterprises; statistical analysis – to calculate the key macroeconomic characteristics of financial sustainability and liquidity of trade enterprises; groupings, logical analysis, strategic management – to form priorities and means of state policy to stimulate the strengthening of financial and economic sustainability of trade business. Results. The low level of financial sustainability and liquidity of the trade sector in Ukraine has been empirically proven. It is established that a critical decrease in the financial and economic sustainability of the trade business occurred in 2014-2015. In 2012, the level of financial sustainability and liquidity of trade enterprises was the highest. Since 2016, the gradual restoration of financial and economic sustainability of trade business in Ukraine has begun. However, its level is still insufficient, which requires justification and implementation of effective measures of state regulation in this area. It is proved that strengthening the financial and economic sustainability of trade enterprises in Ukraine requires the formation and implementation of a common (state and business entities) policy aimed at strengthening the financial and economic sustainability of trade enterprises in Ukraine. The policy should be implemented in the following areas: alternative forms of the financial result formation, improvement of financial and economic attractiveness of enterprises, distribution of financial and economic risks with the manufacturing sector, realization of financial potential of domestic market by enterprises. Practical implications. The means of the state policy of stimulation and strengthening of financial and economic sustainability of the trade enterprises in Ukraine are defined. Value/originality. The methodical approach to the formation of tools and means of policy to strengthen the financial and economic sustainability of the country’s trade business has been further developed.


Publishing House Baltija Publishing

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