Organizational risks of ensuring the reliability of turbine units at TPP and NPP


Kumenko A. I.1


1. National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Dept. of Theoretical Mechanics, Mechatronics, Dynamics and Strength of Machines


The problems and tasks that need to be systemically solved during the operation, adjustment and repair of hightech power equipment (PE) are considered. The main reasons for the deterioration in the quality of repair work are stated. It is noted that the destruction of repair trusts has led to the absence of a systemic approach to repair structures as part of energy systems. The lack of funding for applied science led to the disappearance of scientific schools. All other structures (generation, flow control) are combined and organized. As for repair structures, they were divided after the liquidation of the repair trusts, split into small parts and are virtually uncontrollable, both technically and organizationally. There is a lack of training for specialists in repair and adjustment of PE in the Russian Federation. Today, not a single university trains the required number of specialists in such important areas as installation, repair, commissioning and diagnostics. The number and quality of specialists, for example, at turbine departments of universities do not match the scope of tasks that must be solved today in the design and creation of high-tech equipment. It is shown that a decrease in reliability also takes place during the supply of imported equipment. Examples of loss of performance of equipment manufactured by foreign firms are given. It is noted that the non-compliance of the specialist training programs with today’s requirements already leads to errors in the management of the repair and operation processes. Insufficient attention in the field of training and retraining of specialists, poor-quality training programs and the absence of top-class specialists at departments, who could be able to set and solve urgent problems of the industry, carry the greatest systemic risks. The formulated systemic risks will sooner or later lead to an irreparable situation. These risks can only be reduced only by paying serious attention to the aforesaid problems over the next 5 – 10 years, and by restoring, at least partially, the potential of the leading departments. For most of the above problems, recommendations and proposals for solving the same are presented.


NPO Energobezopasnost

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