Summary of heat transfer processes and their comparative evaluation for capillary porous coatings in power plants


Genbach A. A.1,Bondartsev D. Yu.2,Shelginsky A. Y.3


1. Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications

2. JS «Trest Sredazenergomontazh»

3. National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute»


The crisis of heat exchange at boiling of water in porous structures used for cooling of heat-stressed surfaces of various aggregates is investigated. The study refers to thermal power installations of power plants. The experiments were carried out on a stand with heat supply from an electric heater. Cooling of heat-exchange surfaces was performed by water supply to porous structures with diff erent cell sizes. It is shown that in porous cooling systems of elements of heat and power plants processes of fl uid boiling take place, and at high heat fl ows it is possible to approach a crisis situation with overheating of the heat-exchange surface. The heat exchange processes are described, the infl uence of thermophysical properties of heat exchange surface is shown, and optimal sizes of porous structure cells are determined. A calculated equation is obtained for determining the critical heat fl ux at high pressures. The calculation of the critical load with respect to the examined porous structures was carried out with taking into account the underheating and fl ow rate, from which it follows that the underheating of the liquid enables to expand slightly the heat transfer capabilities in a porous cooling system. The experimental data of the investigated capillary porous cooling system operating under the joint action of capillary and mass forces are generalized, and its characteristics q=f(ΔT) are compared with boiling in large volume, heat pipes and thin-fi lm evaporators. The limits of diff erent capillary-porous coatings are given. High heat transfer boosting is provided by combined action of capillary and mass forces and has advantages in comparison with boiling in large volume, thin-fi lm evaporators and heat pipes. It is shown that the results of theoretical calculations conform well with experimental data.


NPO Energobezopasnost

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