Transformers are critical elements of electrical networks and systems. The operational reliability of oil-filled transformers largely depends on the characteristics of the insulation, which is confirmed by the failure statistics. A number of factors affecting the insulation of electrical machines are identified, including excessive moisture, with its negative consequences outlined. The complexity and shortcomings of the use of traditional technologies for drying solid insulation are indicated, which focus on the search and implementation of the latest technologies in the system of maintenance and repair of transformers — automated insulation restoration systems (AIRS).Taking into account the development of technical progress in the field of service maintenance of transformers, the negative impact of moisture on the reliability, durability and overload capacity of electrical machines, especially those beyond their normal service life, a new look at the criteria for the moisture content of cellulose insulation is proposed. A review is made of the normative requirements for the moisture content of the insulation of oil-filled transformers of a number of Russian and foreign standards. On the basis of the Oommen equilibrium curves, the shortcomings of the lack of comparability of the humidity criteria for solid and liquid insulation in STO 34.01–23.1– 001–2017 and RD 34.45–51.300–97 are presented. It is proposed to single out several areas of the operational state of transformers in terms of “moisture content of solid insulation (paper)”. The optimal period for the use of AIRS has been determined.The AIRS technology is implemented in a TRANSEC module, which enables to carry out work under load, without adversely affecting predictive diagnostics. The design features of the TRANSEC module, the principle of operation, functional and design differences from standard transformer units – thermosiphon /adsorption filters — are outlined. The results of testing the TRANSEC technology in an existing electrical installation serviced by PJSC Rosseti are presented. Six months of trial operation of the TRANSEC module demonstrated the restoration of insulation characteristics on operating equipment without additional involvement of personnel. Besides, during the testing of the TRANSEC technology, the influence of oil temperature on the information content of the assessment of solid insulation parameters was confirmed. Proposals are formulated on the revision of industry documentation in the established part.
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