Choroidal osteoma is a rare, benign formation of the choroid, which occurs most often in women of working age and characterized by the formation of neovascularization in 31-47% of cases, even the development of bilateral optic nerve atrophy is described. The etiology of the disease remains unknown, persistent associations with other ocular or systemic diseases, as well as with any disorders of calcium or phosphorus metabolism, have not been described in the literature. The paper presents a clinical case of diagnosis and treatment of choroidal osteoma, which was combined with secondary serous retinal detachment. A patient underwent a closed subtotal vitrectomy with endotamponade with 1300cc silicone oil due to an existing choroidal osteoma, which was complicated by secondary retinal detachment. The course of the early postoperative period was uneventful, but 2 weeks after surgical treatment, signs of inflammation of the anterior part of the vascular tract occurred with the formation of precipitates and secondary ophthalmohypertension, decrease in visual acuity, the Tyndall effect, which gradually led to the formation of a pigmented exudate in the anterior chamber. Anti-inflammatory and hypotensive therapy allowed to minimize the manifestation of inflammatory changes and to restore normotonia. As a result of the complex treatment, it was possible to improve the visual acuity and restore the morphological structure of the retina, but the functional results after the treatment remained low, which, in our opinion, may be related to the topographical location of the osteoma, since localization in the paramacular zone can not have some positive prognosis in postoperative period. Also, the existing long-term retinal detachment and complications in the early postoperative period could affect the low functional results after the surgical treatment.
Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy
General Materials Science