
Rudenko M. L.


The aim of this study is to examine the organization of cardio-surgical medical care during martial law for offering qualified medical assistance to servicemen classified as temporary casualties, through bed allocation planning and bed-day calculation. Materials and methods: This research encompassed military personnel actively engaged in combat operations (n=473), with an average age of 44.1±2.2. The primary data source for analysis was the foundational medical records, including medical histories and initial medical records. Results. The article presents the results of the analysis of the needs aimed at providing a cardiac surgery hospital with an adequate number of inpatient beds and substantiates the duration of treatment - inpatient stay (bed days). Determining these factors holds exceptional importance as it facilitates the delivery of high-quality specialized treatment to the ill and/or injured, ensuring their timely rehabilitation and return to active duty within the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It was observed that the study groups exhibited no significant distinctions in terms of nosological categories of circulatory system diseases, average age, and the number of bed-days, with no statistical significance identified. The analysis revealed that during the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine's territory in 2022, the demand for cardiac surgery hospital beds surged by 266.3% when compared to the 2014 bed capacity. Notably, the number of bed-days saw only a modest 6.3% increase during inpatient treatment for servicemen. Conclusions. The study has shown that the number of bed days did not increase significantly in the inpatient treatment of military personnel, only by 6.3%. Due to the increase in the number of patients/wounded, the State Institution "Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine" opened a Military Cardiac and Major Vessel Surgery Department. This department specializes in providing highly specialized medical care to servicemen with combat-related heart injuries, major vessel wounds, and chest trauma.


Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy


General Materials Science

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