
Korobchanskyi V.O.,Dreval M.V.


This research theme was approved by the Academic Council of Kharkiv National University as a dissertation for Doctor of Philosophy degree. The aim of this publication is to present a literature review summarizing the findings from national and international scientific and practical works on the training of military personnel. The focus is on the hygienic and psychophysiological foundations of health, optimization requirements for the training conditions of cadets in military educational institutions, and other critical aspects related to this important issue. The materials and methods were based on well-known methodological aspects of analytical evaluation and interpretation of scientific and practical information from the literature. The results obtained by the analytical assessment of relevant materials indicate that the issue of training military personnel is pertinent globally and particularly crucial in the context of the ongoing conflict with the Russian aggressor in Ukraine. It has been established that in recent decades, Ukraine has lacked studies specifically focused on understanding the dynamics of mental states and the development of mental maladaptation. The absence of such research has hindered the formulation of health protection measures and the enhancement of combat readiness for cadets in higher military educational institutions throughout their entire course of study. Literature findings on the study of educational conditions for both civilian students and cadets in military educational institutions underscore the intricacies of the adaptation process for young individuals pursuing higher education. This complexity arises from age-related psychological characteristics influencing their reactions to changes in social status brought about by the transition to the environment and conditions of higher education institutions. In particular, the change in lifestyle affects cadets and junior students. This is due to an increase in the amount of received information, the unusual form of its presentation, the lack of systematic control by teachers and parents, and other factors that increase the burden on the psycho-emotional sphere of students. Specifically, cadets and junior students are significantly affected by the shift in lifestyle. This can be attributed to the heightened volume of information, its unconventional presentation, the absence of systematic monitoring by educators and parents, and various factors that contribute to an increased load on the psycho-emotional well-being of students. Conclusions. The issue of cadets' learning conditions in military educational institutions is a pressing concern globally. Through a review of scientific and practical literature, it is evident that there is an immediate need to establish criteria for the effectiveness of socio-pedagogical prevention in addressing maladjustment among junior cadets in higher military educational institutions, including those in the Ukrainian Air Force. The inadequacies in a cadet's socio-psychological characteristics may lead to maladjustment, becoming a potential factor contributing to health disorders. The review of existing scientific and practical literature highlights a gap in research pertaining to the psycho-emotional profile of cadets in higher military Air Force educational institutions. This lack of comprehensive study hinders efforts to preserve health and combat capability while developing hygienic preventive measures, underscoring the relevance of our scientific work.


Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy


General Materials Science

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