
Bilko V.V.,Borzykh O.A.,Lavrenko A.V.,Kaidashev I.P.


The article deals with the role of English as a language of medical academic instruction in modern conditions that is gaining a particular relevance both in Ukraine and around the world. Knowledge of professional English facilitates the integration into the global scientific and educational space, opens up new opportunities for both students and teachers. Ensuring the quality of education in the context of the coronavirus infection pandemic, time of uncertainty, and military operations is of particular importance. After all, the quality of education depends not only on the scientific and methodological support of academic disciplines, but also on the use of the latest forms and methods of teaching, the relevance of the content to current trends and events in the world, which is impossible without the use of English as a language of international medical communication. The purpose of the study is to reveal the characteristic features of the creation of the English-language educational environment in medical education and to determine their role in the perception and assimilation of educational material by students of higher medical education in crisis situations. Poltava State Medical University is diligently striving to establish and maintain a thriving and supportive English-language educational environment. The creation of English-language educational environment in medical education and its role in ensuring the professional development of students and teachers of higher medical education is of global importance for further use in professional activities. In crisis situations, its preservation and development is an important area of work of a higher education institution, in particular Poltava state medical university. Hence, it can be stated that the creation of the English-language educational environment at Poltava State Medical University fosters the professional and personal development of both students and teachers, enabling all participants in the educational process to unleash their full potential.


Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy


General Materials Science

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