
Loban G.A.,Faustova M.O.,Chumak Yu.V.


In Ukraine, student involvement in scientific research primarily occurs through participation in student scientific groups or societies. However, many teachers face challenges when supervising student research projects. This study aims at identifying challenges in supervising student scientific research in higher education, drawing on experiences of both foreign and domestic university faculties. Literature from PubMed and Google Scholar databases was reviewed, focusing on articles related to the topic. Researchers suggest early engagement of students in scientific research within laboratories and participation in inquiry-based programs such as "discovery-based," "project-based," and "inquiry-based," mirroring real-world scientific practices. These approaches offer valuable insights into science, providing structured support and laboratory experience for students. However, challenges such as material and technical limitations and teachers' lack of motivation to dedicate sufficient time to students hinder the widespread implementation of research programs in universities. To foster successful student scientific research, students must be motivated to take ownership of their work, and department laboratories require adequate material and technical support to facilitate student research groups. Additionally, scientific mentors should receive adequate pedagogical training to effectively guide research groups. Mentor efforts should focus on encouraging student participation in research activities by enhancing their awareness and creating opportunities for engagement.


Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy

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