Yanishen I.V.,Sidorova O.V.,Kuznetsov R.V.,Krychka N.V.,Diudina I.L.
The purpose of this study was to determine the biochemical parameters of blood of laboratory animals in prolonged contact with the experimental material
Materials and methods. An experimental study was conducted in the laboratories and vivarium of the State Institution "Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology named after Prof. M.I. Sitenko" on 28 white laboratory rats aged 6 months with a body weight of 200 to 250 grams. The animals were randomly divided into two groups: a control group (14 rats) and an experimental group (14 rats), which were exposed to dental glass ionomer cement at a dose of 1.0 mg/kg. Toxic effects were evaluated for 1 month. The blood sampling procedure included tail vein dilation, disinfection, tail fixation, and blood collection. The study was conducted in special conditions with full feeding.
Results. The study found no significant negative effects of prolonged use of dental glass ionomer cement (GIC) on kidney function. Analysis of diuresis, urea and creatinine levels in urine and blood serum showed no statistically significant differences between males and females. No sugar, ketones, or protein were detected in the animals' urine. Serum creatinine levels were (65.47±4.6) μmol/l in males and (63.38±7.1) μmol/l in females, while serum urea levels were (4.84±0.47) μmol/l in males and (4.67±0.42) μmol/l in females. Urinary urea levels were (374.35±20.7) mmol/l in males and (371.15±22.3) mmol/l in females.
Conclusions. The obtained results of the study indicate statistically significant deviations in the studied indicators of the functional state of the kidneys both in males and females after prolonged use of dental glass-inomer cement based on polyacrylate carboxylate. The presence of sugar, ketones and protein was not detected in the urine of the animals. The analysis of serum creatinine levels showed no statistically significant differences between the conditions, and serum urea levels did not differ between them either. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of glass-inomer cement has no negative effect on the functional state of the kidneys in the studied animals.
Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy
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