Zhehulovych Z.Y.,Babaskin Yu.I.
The numerical distribution of anomalies and deformations of dentition in the adult population of Ukraine actualizes the development of new methods of orthodontic treatment of maxillofacial deformations.
The aim. To analyze dental occlusion in young patients who underwent orthodontic treatment before prosthetics to assess the distribution of vertical deformations of the dental rows in the buccal areas and investigate methods of their elimination.
Materials and methods. A retrospective investigation of the medical histories of 427 young people (228 women (53.4%) and 199 men (46.6%)) was carried out; consent for treatment was signed by 254 people (179 women and 75 men), which was 59.5% of the number of examined people. The sample identified the following pathological conditions that required orthodontic correction: abnormalities in the number of teeth in 3 persons (1.2%); retention in 1 person (0.4%); an abnormal position of teeth on the upper jaw in 158 people (62.5%) and 198 people (78%) on the lower jaw; malformation of the shape of dental rows in 208 people (82%) on the upper jaw and 220 people (86.6%) on the lower jaw, sagittal malocclusion in 32 people (12.3%), transversal malocclusion in 44 people (17, 2%), vertical malocclusion in 75 people (29.5%). 61 individuals (24%) were identified with partially edentulous dental rows, which were localized, mainly, in the lateral areas of the upper and lower jaws. In the selected sample, men predominated (40 people 65.6%), and a significantly smaller number of women (21 people 34.4%). Spaces with missing two and three teeth were present in some patients on the lower and upper jaws (12.5% of men and 9.5% of women). Distally located edentulous spaces were lesser extent compared to included defects (41% compared to 59%). Dentoalveolar deformities prevailed (95.1%): 38 men 62.3% and 20 women 32.8%.
The carried-out treatment with the appliance of the own design proved the effectiveness in the treatment of the II-III levels of vertical dentoalveolar distally located occlusal malformation, where it is difficult to provide anchorage for intrusion.
Further research is important for a detailed study of the use of fixed orthodontic appliances depending on the general somatic condition of patients and the condition of the jaw bone.
Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy
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