
Kaskova L.F.,Yanko N.V.,Andryanova O.Yu.,Vashchenko I.Yu.


The modern education system is focused on implementing the high potential of computer and telecommunication information technologies, which provide offering valuable opportunities for knowledge acquisition and practical skill development. This article aims to explore several information technologies that can be effectively utilized in the teaching of dental disciplines. One approach involves utilizing educational materials available on the department's website or computer labs as information technologies. During practical classes, instructors should introduce students to scientific advancements made by faculty members within the department and other relevant departments of the university, specifically related to the subject matter being taught. Students can also be assigned tasks to independently explore and locate such information on the Internet. To ensure the effectiveness of information technologies in acquiring practical skills during distance learning, several conditions can be implemented. These include establishing video communication between students and instructors, conducting online demonstrations of diagnostic and treatment procedures performed by highly skilled dentists, accompanied by instructional commentary from the instructor. Additionally, granting access to detailed descriptions of complex diagnostic cases and dental disease treatments can further enhance the learning experience. Furthermore, instructors can conduct virtual master classes by demonstrating practical skills on dental phantoms during online conferences. Students should be familiarized with various informational computer technologies employed in modern dentistry, such as CAD/CAM, computer tomography, and orthopantomography. Additionally, the utilization of different internet platforms for distance learning, which facilitate student engagement, can be considered as part of the information technology landscape. Consequently, information technologies are evolving in response to the demands of the current era and play a vital role in supporting the educational process in dental training. Exploring students' preferences regarding the benefits of different information technologies represents a promising avenue for future research in this field.


Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy


General Medicine

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