Boichuk I.M.,Bambuliak A.V.
One of the most pressing problems in modern maxillofacial surgery is the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with fractures of the condylar process of the mandible. According to various statistical data, the incidence of fractures at this site is 19-37%, and these fractures are the most controversial in terms of diagnosis and treatment. In recent years, there has been an increase in severe forms of mandibular condyle fractures: bilateral, combined, intra-articular, leading to serious complications that affect the functioning of the temporomandibular joint. The data obtained indicated the need for a detailed study of this pathology in order to make a qualitative diagnosis and improve the available treatment methods.
The aim of the study – to analyse and summarise current data from the scientific literature on possible complications in the treatment of the condylar process fractures of the mandible.
Materials and methods. The bibliosemantic method was used to clarify the state of the problem, to study
the analysis of the results of previous scientific research based on the literature sources and electronic resources.
Results and discussion. The management of patients with mandibular condylar fractures is widely discussed in the literature due to their high prevalence, but there is still no consensus on the optimal management of patients with this pathology. To date, there are many studies that highlight certain complications of conservative and surgical treatment, but they are not generalised or systematised.
Conclusions. Summarizing, we can conclude that complications occur during both conservative and surgical treatment of patients with mandibular condyle fractures. Complications are most often associated with incomplete diagnosis, incorrect choice of treatment method, and depend on the method of access and fixation in surgical treatment.
Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy
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