
Nikolishina E.V.,Dobrovolska O.V.,Nikolishin I.A.,Dobrovolskyi O.V.,Dvornyk V.M.


One of the most common methods of correcting dental defects used in modern dentistry is dental implantation. However, in conditions of periodontal pathology, planning and carrying out dental implantation causes certain difficulties. The aim of the work was to analyze the clinical effectiveness of orthopedic rehabilitation based on implants in patients with chronic periodontitis. The task of the study was to study and compare the indicators of implant stability, marginal bone tissue loss and postoperative complications in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis under the conditions of using the technique of immediate and delayed dental implantation. The object and methods of research. To achieve the goal, the authors formed two observation groups, in which the replacement of tooth row defects with the help of dental implants was performed in patients with generalized periodontitis of the I-II degree of severity. The first group consisted of 10 patients who underwent direct implantation and immediate functional loading. There were 10 patients in the second group, after delayed implantation, loading occurred in the generally accepted terms (2-3 months on the lower jaw and 4-5 months on the upper). The stability of the implants was determined using the Osstell ISQ device. A comparison of the indicators of implant stability with different implantation protocols and functional load: immediate and delayed load was carried out. Conclusion. The maximum value of stability of implants is registered after one year. This fact is proven in a statistically significant increase (p<0.05) in the stability of the implant in both groups.X-ray evaluation of bone tissue resorption in the cervical area after the first year of loading indicates certain risks of direct implantation and immediate functional loading. Thus, effective prosthetics for patients with generalized periodontitis is determined by a personalized approach to each individual case, taking into account local factors and individual characteristics of the body. Most often, it is unsatisfactory oral hygiene that leads to an increase in the amount of dental deposits and creates prerequisites for the exacerbation of the inflammatory-dystrophic process in the periodontal tissues.


Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy


General Medicine

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