Kaskova L.F.,Yanko N.V.,Novikova S.Ch.,Chupryna L.F.,Artemyev A.V.
Teachers of clinical departments of establishments of higher medical education are faced with the problem of practical training of students, and many methods have been proposed for its improvement.
The purpose of the study was to consider the models of practice-oriented education that can be used
during the teaching of pediatric therapeutic dentistry.
One Minute Preceptor model is used by the teacher during a 1-5-minute conversation with the student to guide diagnostic and treatment processes; initially a student examines a patient, then presents the clinical case, after which the teacher manages his behavioral reactions.
SNAPPS model (Summarize + Narrow + Analyze + Probe + Plan + Select) describes 6 stages of the clinical training. The model includes analysis of the medical history and examination methods, choice of the diagnoses for differential diagnostic, proper differential diagnosis, questions to the teacher about uncertainties, discussion of patient’s treatment plan and questions and sources related to the clinical case for independent processing.
Within the framework of pattern recognition and reproduction model (standard cases), student talks about the main problem that worries the patient and offers his diagnosis based on key symptoms during 30 seconds. Teacher personally examines patient, makes a diagnosis or discusses why it cannot be made with certainty, and evaluates the student’s actions.
All described models of practice-oriented learning improve the expression of reasoning without much impact on the time spent for case presentation. Pattern recognition and reproduction model is especially useful in dentistry to recognize widespread clinical cases. One Minute Preceptor model, which involves the initiative and mentoring role of the teacher, fits well for beginners, while SNAPPS model, that focused on independent work of students, for strong students.
Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy