Chumakova Y.G.,Antoshchuk V.O.
Dental caries and inflammatory periodontal diseases predominate in the structure of oral diseases in children and adolescents.
The aim of the study was to determine the influence of the oral hygiene level on the incidence rates of dental caries and gingivitis in school-age children living in rural areas of the Odessa region.
Materials and Methods. Clinical dental examination was carried out in 68 children of the secondary school of Ilyinka, Odesa district, aged 7, 12 and 15 years. We determined: state of oral hygiene by GreenVermillion index (OHI-S); prevalence (%) of dental caries and the sum of decayed, missing, and filled number of teeth (DMFT index; df+DMFT); prevalence (%) and severity of gingivitis by PMA Parma index.
Results. It was found that a larger number of examined schoolchildren (51.5%) had an unsatisfactory oral hygiene condition. In 7-year-old children the OHI-S index was 1.39±0.10, in 12-year-old – 1.69±0.14, and in 15-year-old – 1.68±0.13.
Dental caries prevalence in 12-year-old children corresponds to the average incidence level (58.8%) and the DMFT index 2.06±0.55 – the low intensity level by WHO gradation. In 15-year-old schoolchildren dental caries prevalence was 83.9%, and the intensity according to the DMFT index was 3.32±0.45.
The high prevalence of gingivitis is established in 12-year-old children – 82.4% and 15-year-old children – 74.2%. The mean values of the PMA Parma index were 24.53±3.06 % in 12-year-old children and 21.46±2.54% in 15-year-old children.
Conclusion. Significant influence (r=0.866, p<0.001) of oral hygiene condition on the periodontal tissues and less pronounced effect (r=0.518, p<0.05) on the intensity of dental caries in children and adolescents were found, which confirms the role of microbial biofilm in the development of gingivitis and dental caries.
Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy
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