1. Belarusian State Medical University
It is known that the severity of endotoxemia and the body temperature level largely depends on the liver functional state and its detoxication function. It was shown that the adrenoreactive systems of the hypothalamus under the influence of extreme irritants on the body have a pronounced effect on all vital processes and, in particular, on thermoregulation and detoxication.The objective of the study was to determine the significance of central adrenoreactive systems in the regulation of the liver detoxication function and body temperature during bacterial endotoxemia. Research methods are: physiological, biochemical, pharmacological.Experiments on rats and rabbits showed that the direction and nature of body temperature changes under the action of E. coli bacterial endotoxin depend on the severity of endotoxemia and the state of the liver detoxication function. It was revealed that when bacterial endotoxin is introduced into the body in trace concentrations, it increases, and with severe endotoxinemia, the body temperature and the activity of detoxication processes decrease. It was established that the ambiguous direction and nature of body temperature and detoxication changes under the conditions of endotoxemia depend on its severity. It was revealed that depending on the liver functional state, its detoxication function (oneor three-fold inoculation of animals with carbon tetrachloride), the same dose of bacterial endotoxin can lead to increasing the rat body temperature, has no effect on it, or can cause hypothermia. It was established that the activity of αand β-adrenoreactive systems of the hypothalamic region of the brain is important in the regulation of detoxication processes and body temperature during bacterial endotoxemia. A decrease in the activity of α-adrenergic receptors in the brain under the influence of bacterial endotoxin appears to be one of the triggers in the chain of processes leading to a body temperature increase and detoxication.
Publishing House Belorusskaya Nauka
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