1. City Clinical Pathology Bureau, Minsk
2. Belаrusian State Medical University
Vulvar lichen sclerosus (LS) is a common chronic mucocutaneous disease, which is usually underdiagnosed and tend to progress without adequate treatment.Morphological characteristics of vulvar LS with unusual histological features.Vulvar biopsy material (n = 83) with morphologically diagnosed LS was examined histologically and statistically.Often saw-toothed modification of the epithelium, fibrinoid necrosis, cytoid bodies, satellite cell necrosis, hemorrhages, papillomatosis, milia, predominantly plasma cell inflammatory infiltrate, lymphoid follicles, elastosis, angiokeratoma-like vasculare change were found on the background vulvar LS.Saw-tooth epidermal change, multiple cytoid bodies and satellite cell necrosis are histological features of LS described for the first time in this study, the former being a frequent presentation of vulvar LS. The mentioned above histological changes cannot appear as features in favor of lichen planus in the differential diagnosis of these diseases.
Publishing House Belorusskaya Nauka