1. International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University
2. Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Bioresources
The experiment examined the effect of temperature on the parameters of reproduction and growth in female marbled crayfish. At temperatures close to 20 °C, females began to reproduce at 10–11 months with a body weight of 0.84–1.20 g, but up to 80 % of their egg clutches were nonviable. The duration of egg embryogenesis with an increase in temperature from 16–17 to 26–27 °C decreased from 66–69 days to 21–24 days with a lower temperature development threshold equal to 13.1 °C. A similar molting value that determined the growth rate of individuals in juveniles weighing up to 0.34 g was 13–14 °C, but in sexually mature females it decreased to 5 °C. In water bodies of the temperate zone with a short growing season, females were able to reach sexual maturity only in the third summer of life and produced no more than two clutches of eggs during their life cycle. Hence, the invasive potential of marbled crayfish in the temperate zone of Europe is very limited.
Publishing House Belorusskaya Nauka