National cyber-physical ecosystem: Theoretical and methodological aspects


Zubritskaya I.


At the present stage of social development, the need has been identified for the formation and development of the theory and methodology of the economic and organizational foundations of the formation of the national cyberphysical ecosystem as a result of the digital transformation of the branches of the national economy in the cyber-physical space. The scientific publication presents the results of the study of the genesis of the theory of ecosystems, cyberphysical systems, digital ecosystems. The object of the study is the national cyberphysical ecosystem, which is considered as an integral part of the cyberphysical space. The relevance of the scientific problems of the theory and methodology of the formation of the national cyberphysical ecosystem is revealed. The subject of the study is the formation of new organizational and economic object-object, subject-object and subject-subject relations of multiple relations. The definition of the concept of «national cyberphysical ecosystem» is developed, the directions of formation of the national cyberphysical ecosystem are proposed.


Publishing House Belorusskaya Nauka


General Medicine

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