Impedance-Based Method for Predictive Stability Assessment


Schräder JohannesORCID,Kaiser Sebastian,Jordan Michael,Schulz DetlefORCID


Impedance-based analysis methods enable a more specific and earlier foundation for assessing harmonic stability in decentralized converter-based power plants compared to the conventional compliance testing in the grid connection process. Essentially, they can be implemented as black-box model approaches without the necessity to disclose internal control models. Initially, only knowledge of the input impedances of the planned grid connection point and the planned PV system is required for application. For this purpose, the method of impedance spectroscopy for inverters has already been developed as a means to determine the effective impedance profile and the internal harmonic sources of inverters, allowing for the description of the frequency-dependent behavior of individual units. The time- and frequency-dependent grid impedance at the grid connection point (GCP) has also been successfully measured in several campaigns on medium and low-voltage grids. Through the coordinated application of both measurement methods, a predictive harmonic assessment is intended in the future, ensuring high planning reliability and grid quality even in grids with a high penetration of power electronics-coupled systems. This paper provides an overview of the current state of research on impedance-based stability criteria and presents measurement methods for practical implementation. Furthermore, it outlines remaining open questions until application in the field.


Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz


TIB Open Publishing

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