Stakeholders of CSP and non-CSP high-intensity broadband flux measurements were surveyed and interviewed to obtain flux sensor design and calibration requirements. Existing sensor technologies and existing calibration facilities were then compared against this standard. Stakeholders require a flux sensor designed for >5,000 kW/m2 flux measurements, >1,000 life cycles, <500 ms response time, >60-minute exposure at maximum flux, and <5% measurement uncertainty. Stakeholders also require a sensor with minimal cost, short procurement lead time, and a high-intensity broadband flux calibration. Commercial CSP stakeholders primarily rely on infrared (IR) temperature measurements of receiver equipment to control CSP plant process operation, whereas CSP research and development (R&D) and non-CSP stakeholders rely on accurate flux gauge measurements for a variety of applications. It was determined that existing flux sensor technologies and calibration facilities do not comprehensively meet stakeholder needs. This study suggests a more robust circular foil gauge with a high-intensity solar flux calibration comprehensively meets stakeholder flux measurement needs. Improved circular foil gauge designs and an improved flux sensor calibration facility are discussed.
Solar Energy Technologies Office
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