Agrivoltaics in Germany - Status Quo and Future Developments


Pump CarlORCID,Trommsdorff MaxORCID,Beckmann VolkerORCID,Bretzel TamaraORCID,Özdemir Özal Emre,Bieber Lisa-MarieORCID


Ground-mounted photovoltaic facilities in open spaces have been common in Germany for many years. However, according to the legislation, these are only supported by the government on poorer quality soils, former military training areas, or along traffic routes. Nevertheless, also on high quality soils it is not forbidden to install ground-mounted photovoltaic facilities. In recent years, Germany has started implementing agrivoltaics, which is an alternative land use concept that combines agriculture and renewable energy production. This opens the possibility to use land of higher soil quality for energy generation without necessarily creating land-use conflicts and being subsidized by the government. This study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of existing and planned agrivoltaic facilities in Germany analyzing them based on various parameters. The data for this study was collected through a community questionnaire and supplemented with data from state institutions. The results indicate that as of March 2023, 21 agrivoltaic facilities with a total capacity of 81.67 MWp have been installed. A strong increase of the installed capacity is expected in 2023 and 2024, reaching approximately 382.59 MWP by the end of 2024. The market development of agrivoltaics is mainly driven by changes in the legal environment which present opportunities for further market ramp-up of agrivoltaics. The adoption of agrivoltaics shows a notable spatial diversity in Germany which appears to be influenced by the interaction between regulatory environments and agricultural structures.


Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung


TIB Open Publishing

Reference18 articles.

1. Statistisches Bundesamt, “2,2 Millionen Photovoltaik-Anlagen in Deutschland installiert“ [online]. Available at: (03.04.2023).

2. Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH. “EE-Monitor” [online]. Available at: (03.04.2023).

3. Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. “Daten und Fakten – Land-, Forst- und Ernäh-rungswirtschaft mit Fischerei und Wein- und Gartenbau“ [online]. Available at:,und%201%2C2%20%25%20Dauerkulturen (04.04.2023).

4. Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. “Erntebericht – 2022” [online]. Available at: (04.04.2023).

5. Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems. “Agri-Photovoltaik: Eine Chance für Landwirtschaft und Energiewende“. 2. Edition, p.17, Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg, Germany.







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