Designing of specialized fish food products with a reduced content of nitrogen extractives


Alekseev G. V.1,Eliseeva S. A.2,Smjlentceva A. A.2


1. National Research University of Information Technologies

2. Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University


The authors consider the possibility of using low-value pelagic fish species in the diet of people with restrictions on the consumption of nitrogenous extractive substances including nucleic acids which are sources of purine base metabolism. The objects of the study were chopped mackerel fillets from boiled fish and chopped boiled fillets from raw fish, quick-frozen minced horse mackerel of industrial processing in a boiled form. The studies were carried out in accordance with the experimental plan in which the duration of the heat treatment and the temperature of the cooking medium were the variable factors. The technology of combined fish masses with the addition of functional plant components has been proposed. It has been established that the dynamics of dry matter losses and heat losses of fish fillets is determined by the duration of cooking. In terms of organoleptic characteristics boiled minced meat from raw mackerel fillets is significantly inferior to the organoleptic characteristics of minced meat from pre-boiled fillets. When comparing the data for frozen and freshly prepared mince from horse mackerel, it has been found that the loss of nucleic acids in industrially prepared minced meat is 4.6-13.1 % higher ( T = 82 ± 2 and 98 ± 2 °C), the loss of nucleic acids by absolutely dry matter is higher by 11.3-5.8 %, mass - by 8.4-14.6 %. The content of the total amount of nucleic acids in industrial minced meat is 11.1 % lower than in freshly prepared minced meat. Obviously, in the process of preparing products for specialized purposes, including for preventive nutrition, it is preferable to use minced meat from boiled fish fillets.


FSEI HPE Murmansk State Technical University

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