The texture changing of fresh champignons under the influence of processing by accelerated electrons during the refrigeration storage


Fedynina N. I.1ORCID,Karastoyanova O. V.1ORCID,Korovkina N. V.1ORCID,Shishkina N. S.1ORCID


1. Scientific Research Institute of Canning Technology - Branch of V. M. Gorbatova Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS


Technologies for processing and storage of food products using physical methods of exposure, in particular ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, have been actively developing in recent years. One of the types of ionizing radiation is processing by accelerated electrons, used to reduce losses, prolong the shelf life and sale of plant materials. The work has investigated champignons of the Agaricus bisporus species - the most common among cultivated mushrooms, which are a source of protein, containing useful micro- and macroelements, biologically active substances, vitamins of group B, PP, D. The dynamics of changes in texture as a qualitative indicator of the storage capacity of packaged fresh champignons in the process of refrigerated storage (at a temperature of +4...5 °C and a relative humidity of 85-90 %) for 29 days after treatment with accelerated electrons with an energy of 5 MeV in the range of accumulated doses from 0.8 to 3.2 kGy with a discreteness of 0.4 kGy. Treatment in the dose range of 3.4 kGy leads to a negative effect of changing storage capacity and is impractical. Treatment with accelerated electrons in the dose range from 0 to 3.2 kGy leads to an increase in storage capacity and reaches its extremum at 2 kGy. When extrapolating the results of experimental data, such a tendency is observed presumably up to a dose of 3.4 kGy. On the basis of experimental data, the dynamics of texture during storage after processing with accelerated electrons have been obtained, a mathematical model of the dependence of the limiting storage capacity in terms of the texture of mushrooms on the radiation dose has been constructed, and the modes of processing champignons have been established.


FSEI HPE Murmansk State Technical University

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