Investigation of the effect of ultrasonic radiation on varnished and compounded impregnating compositions with an innovative method of dismantling electric motor windings


Nemirovsky A. E.1,Kashin A. I.2


1. Vologda State University

2. Murmansk State Technical University


For the purposes of energy efficiency, ecology and less time for the cycle of repairing electric motors in the part of the excavation of the stator winding, an innovative method for dismantling ultrasound-based windings has been investigated. From a technical point of view the method has shown to be more optimal in comparison with existing methods of removing the winding. The paper is a continuation of fundamental research on the development of an innovative method of repairing electric motors. It is in this article that the main emphasis is placed on the material from which the insulation of windings is made. Lacquer and compound insulations have been considered being the main types of insulation of industrial electric motors in our country. The analysis of impregnating electrical insulation compositions of motor stator windings has been carried out; the ultrasound effect during the dismantling of motor windings at different levels of influencing factors has been studied, namely duration and power of ultrasonic action, concentration and temperature of the working solution. The validity of the scientific results obtained in the work is confirmed by the correctness of the applied mathematical apparatus and the methods of mathematical modeling, the convergence of the results of numerical modeling and full-scale experiments. A system of equations has been simulated and models of the effect of useful factors relative to each other have been built, the results obtained have been optimized during the experiment and the optimal parameters of both lacquer and compound insulation systems have been identified. The optimal parameters of the types of insulation under study have shown encouraging results on many important points compared to the existing ones: duration, energy consumption, and environmental friendliness. The validity of the conclusions regarding the adequacy of the mathematical models used has been confirmed by the results of experimental studies conducted in the framework of this work of the process of depolymerization of the electric motors' stator windings.


FSEI HPE Murmansk State Technical University

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