1. The Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics of the Siberian Branch RAS
Determining the structure of intermountain depressions in seismically active regions at different depths is important for understanding the stages of neotectonic formation of the region and seismic hazard assessment. On the territory of the Uimon depression of the Altai Mountains in different years, measurements were carried out by deep methods of electrical exploration, such as sounding by the formation of the field and vertical electrical soundings. However, to clarify the structure of the upper part of the section, where bedrock outcrops are observed on the day surface, it is necessary to use shallow methods, for example, electrical tomography (ET). The paper discusses the results of ET data interpretation using 2D and 3D inversion when studying basement outcrops in the western part of the basin. Taking into account a priori information and the obtained models, the geological structure of the object of study has been refined. Based on the results of the interpretation of the data of electrotomography using programs of two- and three-dimensional inversion, the geoelectric structure of one of the outcrops of the basement rocks on the day surface has been determined. The immersion of the studied object in the western direction towards the adjacent outcrop of rocks of the Baratal Formation of smaller sizes located in the immediate vicinity has been established. It can be assumed that these two exits are connected at a depth of 15–20 m and, most likely, are one structure.
FSEI HPE Murmansk State Technical University
Materials Science (miscellaneous)
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