1. 1. Matishov G. G., Petrov V. S., Tarasov G. A. [i dr.]. Zhizn i usloviya ee suschestvovaniya v pelagiali Barentseva morya [The life and the conditions of its existence in the pelagic zone of the Barents Sea] / gl. red. G. G. Matishov. Apatity : Izd-vo KF AN SSSR, 1985. 218 p.
2. 2. Matishov G. G. Evolyutsionnyi podhod k izucheniyu arkticheskih morskih ekosistem (na primere Barentseva morya) [An evolutionary approach to the study of Arctic marine ecosystems (on the example of the Barents Sea)]. Apatity : Izd-vo KF AN SSSR, 1988. 46 p.
3. 3. Adrov N. M., Baytaz O. N., Druzhkov N. V. [i dr.]. Ekosistemy pelagiali morey Zapadnoy Arktiki [Pelagic ecosystems of the seas of the Western Arctic] / otv. red. G. G. Matishov. Apatity : Izd-vo KNTs RAN, 1996. 173 p.
4. 4. Matishov G. G., Adrov N. M., Tarasov G. A. [i dr.]. Biologiya i okeanografiya Karskogo i Barentseva morey (po trasse Sevmorputi) [Biology and Oceanography of the Kara and Barents seas (along the Northeast Passage)]. Apatity : Izd-vo KNTs RAN, 1998. 467 p.
5. 5. Kompleksnye issledovaniya protsessov, harakteristik i resursov rossiyskih morey Severo-Evropeyskogo basseyna = Complex investigations of processes, sharacteristics and resources of Russian seas of North European basin : proekt podprogrammy "Issled. prirody Mirovogo okeana" Feder. tselevoy programmy "Mirovoy okean" : [monografiya] / G. G. Matishov [i dr]. Vyp. 2. Apatity : Izd-vo KNTs RAN, 2007. 633 p.