Some features of thermohaline processes in the coastal zone of Arctic seas


Lukyanov S. V.1,Karsakov A. L.2,Averkiev A. S.1,Tatarenko Yu. A.1,Smirnov Yu. Yu.3


1. Russian State Hydrometeorology University

2. Polar Branch of FSBSI “VNIRO” (“PINRO” named after N.M. Knipovich)

3. Russian State Hydrometeorology University; FSBI “VNIIOkeangelogia”


The thermohaline processes in the Arctic coastal zone of seas in  Russia are analyzed on the example of some parts of the Barents and Kara Seas: specifically, the Medynsko-Varandey site and the near-mouth coast of the Ob and Yenisey. For comparison with the thermohaline characteristics of international waters, the authors used observation data obtained by  Admiral Vladimirsky oceanographic research ship in the summer  — autumn of 2014 and Professor Multanovsky in the summer — autumn of 2019 (“Transarctica 2019”). The study aims to obtain typical and extreme distributions of hydrological characteristics in order to estimate heat and salt fluxes in the bottom layers. The characteristic substance fluxes can be used in the calculations of fluxes in bottom sediments, which have a significant effect on permafrost thawing. Such sedimentary rocks constitute a new source of minerals in the Arctic zone. In order to calculate heat and salt fluxes, it is necessary to obtain high spatial resolution data. The available data may be insufficient, thus requiring integrated oceanological observations in the coastal zone.


FSEI HPE Murmansk State Technical University

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