Rodiyah Rodiyah,Praningsih Supriliyah
Introduction. Patients who first entered hospital usually has the anxiety because of hospital environment is different with their previous environment. The aim of this study was to analyze the effectof orientation to the level of anxiety in new patient in PONEK ward general hospital Jombang.Method. The type of this research was quasy experimental study with before and after with control design. The number of sample for the experimental group was 30 people control group was 30 subjects with quota sampling method. The independent variable in this study was the orientation and the dependent variable was patient’s anxiety. Research instrument used booklet. The data were processed and analyzed with the Wilcoxon sign rank test and mann whitney test, the alternative hypothesis was accepted if p<0,05.Result. Based on the analysis was of mann whitney test p- value of 0,000 is < α 0,05 this was conclude that there was an effect of new orientation to the level anxiety level of the new patients at the ponek ward general hospital jombang. Discussion. Health workers actively participate in providing orientation the new patients, therefore it can reduce the anxiety that occur when is admitted hospital and should be used as amandatory orientation program the new patient admission.Key word: providing orientation, level of anxiety, new patient.
The Association of Indonesian Nurse Education Center
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