Simamora Marthalena,Simanjuntak Galvani Volta,Syapitri Henny
Introduction. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease due to the thinning of the joint cartilage, mostly in the knee joint (89.91%) with the pain manifestation. If the pain is not managed, it could lead to the limitation of movement and disruption of daily activities. Having physical exercise regularly could reduce pain. The purpose of study was to determine the effect of knee fl exion extension and strengthening (FELS) exercise in reducing pain intensity. Methods. This was a quasi-experimental study with pretest-posttest control randomized design, where 70 respondents were recruited and consisted of 53 in intervention and 17 in control group. Result. The statistical analysis used ordinal regression revealed (1) FELS exercise was effective in reducing pain intensity (p = 0.013); (2) a signifi cant difference in pain intensity before and after FELS exercise (p = 0.000); (3) a signifi cant difference of pain intensity in the intervention group compared to the control group (p = 0.004); (4) effect of other activities in reducing pain intensity (p = 0.042). While the factors of age, gender, pain experience, anxiety and support system were not signifi cantly effective in reducing pain. Discussion. FELS exercise was helpful in reducing pain intensity in patients with knee osteoarthritis. It was then suggested to OA patients are requested to perform regular FELS exercise while the families are keep on giving support to the patient to do FELS exercise.Keywords: Knee fl exion extension, strengthening exercise, pain intensity, knee OA
The Association of Indonesian Nurse Education Center
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