Container-title:Labour protection problems in Ukraine
Petrenko I.ORCID, Chencheva O.ORCID, Lashko Ye.ORCID, Cheberiachko Yu.ORCID, Cheberiachko S.ORCID, Bilousova K.ORCID
Purpose. This article is dedicated to the experimental determination of the level of dust pollution during ore crushing and the study of the long-term impact of dust exposure on workers, as well as the assessment of their health risk. Design/methodology/approach. To achieve this goal, we carried out full-scale measurements of dust pollution in real working conditions, performed mathematical modelling to analyse the data and predict the dust load over a certain period, and calculated the conditional risk to employees. Conclusions. As a result of the experiment, it was found that during the operation of the crusher, the concentration of dust in the air significantly exceeds the maximum permissible concentration (2 mg/m3). A mathematical dependence describing the dynamics of changes in the concentration of dust in the air was obtained. The average dust load per worker during a work shift and the average daily dust load, the conditional risk of an inhalation occupational disease in workers, the dust load per worker for different periods of time depending on the use/non-use of a respirator are calculated and it is proved that the use of PPE significantly reduces the impact of dust load on the worker. Limitations/consequences of research. The proposed methods for calculating conditional risk and predicting dust exposure for workers are universal for those professions in which there is significant dust pollution in the workplace. Practical consequences. The results of the study can be used to calculate and assess the dust exposure of employees during different periods of work, which will help to select the optimal personal protective equipment for employees. Originality/meaning. For the first time, an integrated method has been applied, which includes field studies of dust pollution in the workshop of a business entity, namely a mining and processing plant, mathematical modelling with modern applied software tools and, accordingly, a reasonable prediction of the consequences of long-term exposure to dust load, taking into account the conditional risk of respiratory disease.
National Scientific and Research Institute of Industrial Safety and Occupational Safety and Health
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