
Cheberyachko S.,Tretiakova L.,Cheberyachko Yu.


Purpose. The optimum length choice of the headband insert for a dust filter respirator. Design/methodology/approach. The method of experimental planning has been applied to determine the interpolation (regression) and optimisation dependencies of the filter respirator process. The dominant variables for the respirator were selected based on experimental studies.  Input controlled variables for mathematical model are length of tape insertion and headband tension force, output parameter is volume of contaminated air suction under face mask. A regression power relationship between the variables has been established. The recall function was approximated by a second-order non-linear mathematical model. The method of least squares was applied in determining the coefficients at the control variables. Regression dependencies and additional constraints on protective and ergonomic requirements have been used in the optimisation calculations. Conclusions. The solution of the set tasks were the following results: the nonlinear mathematical model more adequately characterizes the respirator use process compared to the linear model of the first order. Relative error between experimental and calculated values of air intake does not exceed 0.6 %. The optimization task is formulated with the regression model. The target function and constraints have been defined with safety and ergonomic requirements. The target function does not have an extremum within the defined constraints. The optimum insertion length was determined graphically and was 2–3.2 cm, the headband tension force does not exceed 5 H With this parameter. Research limitations/consequences. The proposed method is universal in determining the optimum parameters for all types of personal protective equipment. Practical implications: the choice of respirator design parameters can be made using experimentation-surface fitting. Originality/value. The proposed method makes it possible to decline heuristic design methods and establish analytical relationships between the requirements and parameters of individual elements of personal protective equipment.


National Scientific and Research Institute of Industrial Safety and Occupational Safety and Health


Automotive Engineering

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